Pre and Post Natal Massage

Massage is a great way to relieve the physical discomfort and emotional stress that can accompany any pregnancy – complicated or uncomplicated.  It relaxes the mind and body, relieves muscular tension, promotes wellbeing and improves sleep at night.  Massage can really help after the birth too.  As well as giving you some precious time to look after yourself, it promotes muscle healing and spinal alignment, important factors in returning your body to its pre-pregnancy state.

Massage can reduce the general aches and pains you may experience during pregnancy.  It can also reduce fluid retention and sciatic pain, caused by an accumulation of fluid around the sciatic nerve.  Massage can lower high blood pressure, maintain elasticity of the skin and encourage deeper, easier breathing.  After the first trimester gentle abdominal massage can help take pressure off the pelvic wall.

Pre natal massage is suitable from the sec on trimester and can be valuable in encouraging labour in the latter stages of pregnancy.

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